Top 5 Best Practices for Converting HL7 to FHIR Format

Are you tired of struggling with HL7 format and looking for a better way to manage your healthcare data? Look no further than FHIR format! FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) is the latest standard for healthcare data exchange, and it offers many advantages over HL7. But how do you convert your existing HL7 data to FHIR format? In this article, we'll explore the top 5 best practices for converting HL7 to FHIR format.

1. Understand the Differences Between HL7 and FHIR

Before you start converting your data, it's important to understand the differences between HL7 and FHIR. HL7 is a complex and rigid standard that was developed in the 1980s. It uses a hierarchical structure and is based on a message-oriented paradigm. FHIR, on the other hand, is a modern and flexible standard that was developed in the 2010s. It uses a resource-oriented paradigm and is based on RESTful web services.

One of the key differences between HL7 and FHIR is the way they handle data. HL7 uses a message-based approach, where each message contains a set of fields and segments. FHIR, on the other hand, uses a resource-based approach, where each resource represents a discrete piece of data. This makes FHIR much more flexible and easier to work with than HL7.

2. Use a Conversion Tool

Converting HL7 to FHIR format manually can be a time-consuming and error-prone process. That's why it's recommended to use a conversion tool. There are many conversion tools available, both open source and commercial. Some of the most popular ones include:

These tools can help you convert your HL7 data to FHIR format quickly and accurately. They also provide a range of features, such as validation, mapping, and transformation.

3. Validate Your Data

Before you start converting your data, it's important to validate it. This means checking that your HL7 data is correct and complete. Validation can help you identify any errors or inconsistencies in your data, which can cause problems during the conversion process.

There are many validation tools available, both standalone and integrated with conversion tools. Some of the most popular ones include:

These tools can help you validate your HL7 data and ensure that it's ready for conversion to FHIR format.

4. Map Your Data

Mapping is the process of converting data from one format to another. In the case of HL7 to FHIR conversion, mapping involves identifying the fields and segments in your HL7 data and mapping them to the corresponding resources and elements in FHIR format.

Mapping can be a complex process, especially if you're dealing with large amounts of data. That's why it's important to use a mapping tool. There are many mapping tools available, both standalone and integrated with conversion tools. Some of the most popular ones include:

These tools can help you map your HL7 data to FHIR format quickly and accurately.

5. Test Your Conversion

Once you've converted your HL7 data to FHIR format, it's important to test your conversion. This means checking that your FHIR data is correct and complete, and that it meets your requirements.

Testing can be a complex process, especially if you're dealing with large amounts of data. That's why it's important to use a testing tool. There are many testing tools available, both standalone and integrated with conversion tools. Some of the most popular ones include:

These tools can help you test your FHIR data and ensure that it's ready for use.


Converting HL7 to FHIR format can be a complex process, but it doesn't have to be. By following these top 5 best practices, you can convert your HL7 data to FHIR format quickly and accurately. Remember to understand the differences between HL7 and FHIR, use a conversion tool, validate your data, map your data, and test your conversion. With these best practices in mind, you'll be able to manage your healthcare data more effectively and efficiently than ever before.

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